Friday, December 27, 2019

Spread of Islam in West Africa by Professor Abdur-Rahman I...

The author of this article, professor ‘Abdur-Rahman I Doi, had established the Dar as-Salaam Islamic Research Center and had great experience in researching, lecturing and administration in African societal studies. In his article â€Å"Spread of Islam in West Africa†, he traced the path that Islam as a new religion went throw before it spread into sub-Saharan region of West Africa focusing on the Empires of Ghana, Mali and Songhay, the Empires of Kanem-Bornu and Hausa-Fulani Land. He described the influence of Islam on the â€Å"Dyaogo dynasty of the Kingdom of Tekur†, who were the first black people accept Islam in 850C.E. They use to work in trades and live in a peaceful atmosphere. At early days of Islam, the Empire of Ghana had a general theme of an advanced civilization in a Muslim community where few mosques were built as analyzed in Al-Bakri’s book, The Book of Roads and Kingdoms. In his analysis to Islamic establishment in Empires of Mali and Songhay, professor Doi mentioned that Islam first arrived to Mali in 15th century. In Mali, he focused on Mansa Musa (1312 to 1337). He was considered as the most influential person in the history of Islam in this country. He was a great king with inspiring personality allowing him to make historical recognition and fame in Africa countries especially after his famous pilgrimage to Makkah. Later in Ibn Batutah’s, who was a famous 14th century Muslim traveler, exploring the places he visited and the people he encountered. In his visit

Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Health Benefits Of Honey - 1233 Words

I always thought honey was delicious. However, it turns out honey has all kinds of health benefits too. It soothes my throat. It calms my kids stomachs. It s good for my skin. Now, raw, organic honey is a staple in my pantry. After all, it s both sweet and wholesome. Here are some of the health benefits of honey. Sore Throat and Cough Soother I rarely take over-the-counter medicines. When I have a sore throat or a cough, I drink warm, raw-and-organic honey water. This helps soothe my throat. Since I have young kids and have heard about the dangers of cough medicine, I give my kids a little bit of honey to ease their coughs. According to WebMD, one study revealed that honey was better than a common cough suppressant (and an antihistamine) in easing nighttime cough in children and improving their sleep. Honey tastes better than a lot of OTC medicines. In addition, there aren t any dyes or preservatives like in some medicines. Wound Healer Typically, I reach for wound cleanser for cuts and scrapes. However, according to Lindsey Duncan ND, CN, honey is said have antibacterial properties that prevent infection in minor abrasions. In addition, its thick consistency prevents bacteria from getting into the wound. After applying honey to your cut, you should cover it with a bandage. Kids like this better than a cold antiseptic spray too. If you have a serious wound, however, you should seek medical attention. Honey and Cinnamon Honey has a lot of health benefits.Show MoreRelatedWhen Can Babies Eat Honeyï ¼Å¸681 Words   |  3 Pages Honey is a natural substance produced by bees and popularly consumed by humans for health reasons. Aside from being useful as a remedy for asthma, cough, hay fever, stomach problems and diarrhea, honey is also delightful to the taste. 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Millions of years have passed with the honey bee gracing the earth, and in fact, the honeybee is the only insect that aids in the production of food that is consumed by the human race (â€Å"20 Amazing Honey Bee Facts!†). Imagine going to a grocery store and there being no almonds to buy, a scarce supply of apples to choose from, and a very limited amount of blueberries. One could try going to one’s local farmers market, but with the disappearance of honey bees, private farmers and vendors would alsoRead MoreThe History Of Food Stands As A High Interesting Topic1524 Words   |  7 Pagesstudents and scholars alike. Not much is known about the types of foods Romans enjoyed, however a cookbook survives containing a small glimpse into the culinary world of the ancient Roman empire. Three dishes in particular stand out as delicious and health conscience to the modern nutritionist. The first course of the Roman Coena (a very elaborate mealtime) is called Gustatio. 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Colonies can reach up to 80,000 bees depending on seasonal changes and overall hive health. There are three caste members in a hive, each one of the members are just as important as the other because each member is responsible for certain tasks in order for the hive to function and grow. All three caste members go through four stages ofRead MoreComplementary Medicine And Alternative Medicine1556 Words   |  7 PagesAccording to WHO, Th e terms complementary medicine or alternative medicine are used interchangeably with traditional medicine in some countries. They refer to a broad set of health care practices that are not part of that country s own tradition and are not integrated into the dominant health care system. It is also referred to as complementary or traditional medicine. Use of complementary medicine practices alongside modern medicine, while using alternative medicine instead of modern medicine

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Bhavnath Temple free essay sample

Written Analysis and Communication-I Assignment – I Case Analysis â€Å"Bhavnath Temple† Submitted On: Submitted By: 16-07-2010 Arpit Dangayach Section-A Roll No. 101114 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The problem is government’s dilemma to go with lower or higher reservoir capacity. Government’s objective is to provide economic development. It wants to increase agricultural production and generate higher revenues. Option 1, government can go for lower reservoir capacity. Option 2, government can go for higher reservoir capacity. Option 3, government can go for reduced reservoir capacity. Option 1 would save the temple. Revenues would be earned from agriculture and tourism. In option 2, temple would be submerged but higher production and revenues would be there. In option 3, lower production and revenues would be there but support of the villagers will be beneficial for future expansion. Word Count: 107 MAIN REPORT The case has been set in post independence period of India. It talks about the government’s plans for all-around economic development. In the undivided Bombay province a proposal was put forth by the government to build dams across the rivers Lokmata and Sadmata in the northern part of Gujarat. The dams were to have a capacity of 4700 million cu. ft. of water and facilitate irrigation of 92000 acres of land in 3 districts. The control levels of dams were as mentioned in exhibit 1. However construction of the dams would result in submerging of 10500 acres of land belonging to some 20 villages. Therefore the government also had the task of resettlement of the villagers and providing new sources of livelihood, thus adding direct cost to the cost of constructing the dam. But the government was determined about the feasibility of the project. However the control level of the dams would also lead to submergence of the temple of Bhavnath. This was an old temple which was considered highly sacred and connected with Bhrugu Rishi. Also, the temple attracted many tourists at the annual fair. Due to this reason the Government faced stiff opposition from the villagers. The government agreed to take steps to protect the temple. However the final proposal had some changes made like the new control levels as mentioned in exhibit 2, raised capacity i. . 5700 million cu. ft. But this would lead to complete submergence of the temple and was inevitably met with adamant resistance from the people. Bombay was divided in 1960 and Gujarat was formed. The newly formed government was keenly interested in the dam scheme but the opposition still persisted. PROBLEM The central problem is the government’s dilemma to go with Plan I or Plan II. Plan I: The dam would be c onstructed with control levels as in exhibit 1. The capacity would be 4700 million cu. ft. The revenues generated would be Rs. 15. 83 lakhs annually. The temple would be saved from submergence and provided with an all-weather access. Plan II: The dam would be constructed with control levels as in exhibit 2. The capacity would be 5700 million cu. ft and higher revenues would be generated. The temple would be completely submerged. OBJECTIVES †¢ Economic Development: The government wants to go for all-round economic development and thus provide better future prospects for the nation. †¢ Increase in Irrigation Potential: The government wants to bring more area under irrigation and thus earn higher revenues. Resettlement of Villagers: The government has to shift the villagers to a new location and also provide them with source of livelihood. †¢ Protection of Temple: The government would not want to hurt the religious sentiments of the villagers by submerging the temple and thus affect its vote bank. OPTIONS 1. The government can build the dams with reduced control levels as in exhibit 1. The capacity would be 4700 millio n cu. ft and it would facilitate irrigation of 92900 acres of land. This would help generate revenues of Rs. 15. 83 lakhs annually. 2. The government can build the dams with higher control levels as in exhibit 2. The capacity would be 5700 million cu. ft and thus higher revenue generation. 3. The government can opt for slight reduction in the reservoir capacity i. e. below what was initially proposed. As the villagers realise the potential benefits due to the dam, the government can increase the reservoir capacity by expanding laterally. EVALUATION 1. If the government goes with Option 1, it would be able to protect the temple from submerging. This would also respect the religious sentiments of the villagers. Also, the government would be able to cash in on the revenues generated from the tourists arriving at the temple during the annual fair. The vote bank of the government would also be secured. Also there would be lesser shifting of the villagers required. However the reduced dam capacity would mean lower irrigation potential and lower revenues generated. 2. If the government goes with Option 2, it would be able to increase the irrigation potential and thus generate higher revenues. It would also mean better economic development for the village as well as the nation. However, as it would imply submergence of the temple, there would be stiff resistance from the villagers. The government would also have to face the ire of opposition parties. This would in turn hurt their vote bank. Submergence of the temple would also stop the inflow of the revenues generated through tourism. There would also be additional burden on the government for shifting of the villagers and arranging their source of livelihood. 3. If the government goes with Option 3, they would be saving the temple from submergence. There would also be lesser number of villages getting submerged. This would save the government costs of resettlement of the villagers. As there is sufficient irrigation potential, the government can in future increase the irrigation potential by expanding the reservoir laterally. However revenues generated would be less and so would be agricultural production. ACTION PLAN The government should go with Option 1. The dam would facilitate the irrigation of 92900 acres of land and generate annual revenues of Rs. 15. 83 lakhs. The government would also be able to collect the revenues generated from the tourists visiting the temple. This plan would protect the temple from submergence. As a result the government’s action would be viewed in good faith by the villagers as their religious sentiments would be taken care of. This plan will also help the government to stay in power. It would win them the support from nearby villages too.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Understanding The Concepts Of Normative Development Young People Essay Essay Example Essay Example

Understanding The Concepts Of Normative Development Young People Essay Essay Example Paper Understanding The Concepts Of Normative Development Young People Essay Introduction The intent of this authorship is to show my cognition and apprehension of the term ‘normative development ‘ . I will analyze Daniel ‘s ( kid I carried out my kid survey on ) acquisition and development in relation to my cognition and apprehension of normative development by mentioning to the Early Years Framework Stage ( EYFS ) ( Scots Government, 2010 ) . I will demo grounds of my cognition and apprehension of two theoreticians, in which will associate in some manner to Daniel ‘s acquisition and development. I will demo how I supported and provided suited learning chances for Daniel, by mentioning to all three visits. From this, I will measure and reflect on my ability to make this by utilizing the Pre-Birth to Three Guidance ( Learning and Teaching Scotland, 2010 ) and refer to my ain experience and propose some challenges for staff lovingness for babes in early childhood Centres. Understanding The Concepts Of Normative Development Young People Essay Body Paragraphs Dryden et Al. ( 2005 ) utters that every kid is a alone person and will develop at different times and in different ways throughout their life. Child development is holistic ; a kid can non hold cognitive development if they do non hold linguistic communication development. When a kid develops, the development does non come on in one country and discontinues in another. ( Doherty and Hughes, 2009 ) ‘Normative development ‘ agencies phases of development that the bulk of kids of that specific age are expected to accomplish. ( Meggit, 2006 ) . I will utilize the ( EYFS ) ( Scots Government, 2008 ) to exemplify Daniel ‘s ( 20 four months old ) phase in larning and development. The EYFS ( Scots Government, 2008 ) suggests that kids aged between 16 and 20 six months are expected to demo marks of utilizing one and two word vocalizations to show simple and more hard messages. Daniel demonstrated this on all three visits, nevertheless was most apparent on visit two when we went to the park. Daniel chiefly used one word vocalizations, such as ‘up ‘ , ‘o ‘ ( travel ) , ‘oggie ‘ ( pooch ) , ‘you ‘ . He endeavoured to utilize two word vocalizations on visit two and three when he said, ‘the H2O ‘ and ‘Nana you ‘ . I took images of playthings and characters from his favorite programmes and set together a book to assist back up Daniel ‘s linguistic communication development. Not merely do kids necessitate to hear linguistic communication being spoken to develop their linguistic communication development but societal interaction is needed besides ( Bruner, 1983 cited in Doherty and Hughes, 2008, p.311 ) . A ‘Language Acquisition Support System ‘ ( LASS ) ( Bruner, 1983 cited in Doherty and Hughes, 2009, p.311 ) is a group of attacks used by parents/carers to farther advance the development of linguistic communication. This attack is where the grownup speaks to the kid at a more advanced degree than the kid is capable of making on their ain ( Doherty and Hughes, 2009 ) . On visit two, Daniel uses his custodies to sprinkle in the puddles and says to myself ‘you ‘ . I used the scaffolding attack and responded by inquiring, ‘Would you like me to utilize my custodies to sprinkle in the puddles with you? ‘ By utilizing the staging attack and inquiring Daniel if he would wish me to fall in him, has helped me measure my pattern by mentioning to one of the four key rules in the Pre-Birth to Three Guidance ( Learning and Teaching Scotland, 2010 ) ‘Respect ‘ . I respected Daniel ‘s wants about what he wanted to make ; he made an informed determination by leting me to attach to him in sprinkling in the puddles. ( Learning and Teaching Scotland, 2010 ) . ‘Responsive attention ‘ is another cardinal rule and is defined as: ‘building close relationships with kids, being observant of them and meaningfully involved with them. ‘ ( Learning and Teaching Scotland, 2010, p.23 ) I was tuned into Daniel ‘s wants by detecting him and reading his signals. By making this, I noticed he was highly engrossed with playing in the puddles. I went over and became involved in what he was making by take parting aboard him. Daniel so presented what most kids of that age are expected to demo between the ages of 16 and 20 six months – marks of looking for ways to acquire attending from others by drawing them into societal interaction. ( Scots Government, 2008 ) Daniel besides demonstrated he could utilize his turning physical abilities to do societal interaction ( Scots Government, 2008 ) by utilizing his custodies and pess to sprinkle in the puddles to obtain my attending. In conformity with the EYFS ( 2008 ) kids aged between 16 and 20 six months are expected to look to others for reactions which test what they know about themselves. ( Scots Government, 2008 ) . This is clear on visit one when Daniel sat on his female parent ‘s articulatio genus, keeping onto her manus, whilst he watched the telecasting. John Bowlby ‘s theory highlighted the significance of the fond regard between kids and their chief defender ( Sayers, 2008 ) . Daniel showed he had a strong fond regard with his female parent. Mary Ainsworth established the ‘strange state of affairs ‘ ( Dryden et al. 2005, p. 78 ) where the babe and female parent are in a room playing, the female parent so leaves the room, go forthing the alien in the room with the babe. The bulk of the clip, this experiment resulted in the kid being discerning and uneasy at their female parent ‘s disappearing. ( Dryden et al. 2005 ) . On visit one, Daniel showed marks of anxiety when his female parent left myself in the room with Daniel as she went to reply the door. Daniel besides displayed on visits two and three that he can: ‘Make picks that involve challenge, when grownups guarantee their safety ‘ ( Scots Government, 2008, p.31 ) . I used Lev Vyostsky ‘s thought of the ‘zone of proximal development ‘ ( ZPD ) ( Pound, 2005, p.40 ) to back up Daniel ‘s acquisition and development in this state of affairs. The ZPD is the infinite between what a kid can make by themselves and what they can make with the support of a individual who is more adept. ( Pound, 2005 ) . On visit two, Daniel indicated he wanted to travel on the mounting frame by stating ‘up ‘ . I assisted Daniel with his permission and ensured his safety by traveling up the mounting frame behind him. Visit three, Daniel besides demonstrated this phase of development when he began to mount up the chute backwards at the swimming baths. I ensured Daniel ‘s safety by patterning how to travel up chute the right manner and by keeping his manus to mount the stairss. I can associate my pattern to the cardinal rule ‘Relationships ‘ in the Pre-Birth to Three Gui dance ( Learning and Teaching Scotland, 2010 ) as I strongly believe a connexion was made between Daniel and I when I helped him mount up the mounting frame on visit two. Besides, on visit three when I modelled and helped him mount the stairss on the chute by keeping his manus. A farther key rule I can associate my pattern to is ‘Responsive attention ‘ ( Learning and Teaching Scotland, 2010 ) because I readily responded to what Daniel wanted to make, I believe Daniel began to swear myself and felt safe and unafraid when I assisted him. ( Learning and Teaching Scotland, 2010 ) As antecedently mentioned, Daniel and his female parent have a strong fond regard. Daniel showed anxiety when he was left in the room with myself on visit one when his female parent went to reply the door. This could be a possible challenge for early childhood practicians working with this age group as Daniel may take a piece settling into baby’s room as his fond regard with his female parent is really strong. It is clear Daniel is still unsure when being left entirely with aliens – myself on visit one. Other members of staff/adults may walk in and out of the room who Daniel do non cognize, which may ensue in him acquiring upset, which once more could dispute practicians. Consulting with Daniel ‘s female parent, she informed me that Daniel has ne’er attended drama group but interacts good with Dion ( Daniel ‘s female parent ‘s friends small miss ) . On visit one Dion came to see Daniel and I observed how they interacted with one another. Before long, Daniel hit Dion because Dion wanted her Wellington boot back. This may be a possible challenge for practicians working with this age group as Daniel does non cognize at this phase how to play with other kids because he has non had the experience. He besides demonstrated aggressive behavior towards Dion which may be a farther challenge for practicians. The grownup to child ratio for under 3s i s one grownup to five kids. Daniel is an lone kid and thrives to derive grownup attending. Daniel ‘s demands are responded to instantly by his household as he is an lone kid, it is certain from visit one if Daniel does non acquire what he wants he will shout. This may be a challenge for practicians as each are responsible for five kids and may happen it hard to react to every kid ‘s demands. It has been said that parents are their kid ‘s chief pedagogue ( Whalley, 2007 ) and is hence highly of import to affect them in their kid ‘s acquisition and development ( Ward, 2009 ) . Throughout the kid survey, I involved Daniel ‘s female parent through initial meetings to discourse Daniel ‘s involvements, general information, his acquisition and development and what my following stairss were in taking this further. Throughout the kid survey I respected and valued the information Daniel ‘s female parent gave me in respects to Daniel. â€Å" For kids to develop successfully and make their full potency, a strong positive relationship between parents, instructors and professional health professionals is indispensable † ( Hobart and Frankel, 2003, p.1 ) A relationship was built between Daniel ‘s female parent and I as we both connected and came to understandings on suited acquisition chances for Daniel. Trust was besides created as Daniel ‘s female parent allowed me to interact and invent appropriate acquisition chances for Daniel ‘s age and phase of development. ( Learning and Teaching Scotland, 2010 ) In decision, Mentions We will write a custom essay sample on Understanding The Concepts Of Normative Development Young People Essay Essay Example specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Understanding The Concepts Of Normative Development Young People Essay Essay Example specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Understanding The Concepts Of Normative Development Young People Essay Essay Example specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Doherty, J. Hughes, M. ( 2009 ) Child Development: Theory and Practice 0 -11 England: Pearson Education Limited Dryden, L. et Al. ( 2005 ) Essential Early Years Abington: Hodder Arnold. Hobart, C. Frankel, R J. ( 2003 ) . A Practical Guide to Working with Parents. Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes Ltd. Pound, L. ( 2005 ) How Children Learn London: Step Forward Publishing Limited Learning and Teaching Scotland. ( 2010 ) Pre-Birth to Three: Positive Results for Scotland ‘s Children and Families: National Guidance. Glasgow: Learning and Teaching Scotland Scots Government ( 2008 ) Practice Guidance for the Early Years Foundation Stage. Nottingham: Scots Government Ward, U. ( 2009 ) Working with Parents in Early Old ages Settings Exeter: Learning Matters Ltd. Whalley, M and the Pen Green Centre Team. ( 2007 ) Involving Parents in their Children ‘s Learning ( 2nd Edition ) London: Paul Chapman Printing